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API Documentation for Document Wizard


Welcome to our API documentation! Here, we'll guide you through the available endpoints you can use to manage document wizard templates and create notarizations. We strive to provide you a smooth experience, so if you have any feedback or questions, please let us know!

Base URL

Before diving into the specifics, keep in mind that all of our API calls start with a base url of the document wizard provided to your organization.

1. Get a list of templates

What does it do?

This endpoint lets you fetch the possible templates associated with your organization. Use the desired templateID in subsequent calls.

GET /api/template/list


  • Authorization: <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>

Successful Response:
You'll receive an array of fields associated with the templates

Returns a JSON array of available templates. Each object in the array contains:

  • documentName: Name of the document.
  • templateID: System name for the document.
  • description: A brief description of the template.


"documentName": "Example Document",
"templateID": "exampleDoc1",
"description": "This is an example document."

2. Retrieve Template Fields

What does it do?

This endpoint lets you fetch the possible fields associated with a specific template. If you want to understand what information a certain template might require or accept, this is the endpoint to check out!

GET /api/template/:templateName/keys


  • Authorization: <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>

URL Parameters:

  • templateName: Name of the desired template.

Successful Response:
You'll receive an array of fields associated with the chosen template.

"title": "Legal Description",
"tagType": "legalDescription",
"description": "Enter the legal description of the property",
"required": true,
"validation": {
"minLength": 1,
"maxLength": 500,
"errorMessage": "Legal Description must be between 1 and 500 characters."
// and more objects per field...

3a. Create a Notarization Using Form Fields

What does it do?

Do you have your data already just need to put it on the pdf we have stored? Use this endpoint to send over the data and create a notarization. We'll process the json data and generate a notarization for you using the on file pdf.

POST /api/template/:templateName/create-notarization


  • Authorization: <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>

URL Parameters:

  • templateName: Name of the template you're using.

Include all the necessary form data in your request.

Sample Payload:

"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": "",
"legalDescription": "11/4 Left Side Street",
"streetAddressNOC": "1234 Main St",
"folioParcelID": "12-23323232-3123123",
"propertyCounty": "Hillsborough County"

Successful Response:
You'll get back details of the notarization process, like any signing URLs and associated PIN codes.

3b. Create a Notarization with Your Own Document

What does it do?

If you've got your own document and would like to use it for notarization, this endpoint is your friend. Send us the Base64 encoded version of your document, and we'll handle the rest!

POST /api/template/:templateName/create-notarization/upload


  • Authorization: <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>

URL Parameters:

  • templateName: Name of the template you're aligning with.

Make sure your request includes:

  • document: Your PDF document in Base64 encoding.
  • templateID: The ID related to your template.
  • firstName, lastName: Signer's names.
  • email: Signer's email.
"document": "JVBERi0xLjUK... (and so on, this is a very long base64 encoded string representing the PDF)",
"templateID": "12345-abcde",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": ""

Successful Response:
We'll send you details about the notarization, like the signing URLs and the signer's PIN code.


"urls": [
"primarySignerPin": "94000",
"sessionId": "dljalsd3-3d41-4bbe-af4d-4adjfh33be36e"

Friendly Reminder: Remember to replace <YOUR_BASE_URL_HERE> with your actual API base URL and <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE> with the token required for authentication.