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Path Parameters
id string REQUIRED
Request Body REQUIRED
notarizationType string REQUIRED

Possible values: [ron, rin, ipen]

witnesses number

consumer-provided external id

expiresAt date-time

consumer-provided external id

scheduleDate date-time

consumer-provided external id

assignTo object REQUIRED

Organization and notary to assign this notarization to

organizationId string

id of organization who will perform the notarization

notaryId string

id of organization notary who will perform the notarization

externalId string

external id

primarySigner object REQUIRED

Primary signer

id string REQUIRED

id of the signer this tag is assigned to

order number

order of signer

email string REQUIRED

email of the signer

firstName string REQUIRED

first name of signer

middleName string

middle name of signer

lastName string REQUIRED

last name of signer

address1 string

address of signer

address2 string

address 2 of signer

country string

country of signer

city string

address 2 of signer

state string

state of signer

zip string

postal code of signer

phone string

phone number of signer

kbaRequired boolean

is KBA required for this signer

credAnalysisRequired boolean

is credential-analysis required for this signer

externalId string

consumer-provided external id

participants object[] REQUIRED

list of participants other than the primary signer

id string REQUIRED

id of the signer this tag is assigned to

order number

order of signer

email string REQUIRED

email of the signer

firstName string REQUIRED

first name of signer

middleName string

middle name of signer

lastName string REQUIRED

last name of signer

address1 string

address of signer

address2 string

address 2 of signer

country string

country of signer

city string

address 2 of signer

state string

state of signer

zip string

postal code of signer

phone string

phone number of signer

kbaRequired boolean

is KBA required for this signer

credAnalysisRequired boolean

is credential-analysis required for this signer

externalId string

consumer-provided external id

type string

Possible values: [consumer, signer, witness]

notifyParticipants object

notification preferences

email boolean

send email notification to participants

notificationEmails string[]

Emails to send notification emails to. If is true and notificationEmails is not supplied, emails will be sent to all participants.

documents object[] REQUIRED

List of documents

docId string REQUIRED

id of the signer this tag is assigned to

title string REQUIRED

document title

gcsRefId string REQUIRED

document title

description string

document description

tags object[] REQUIRED

List of tags to convert to xfdf

type string REQUIRED


x number REQUIRED

bottom-left x-coordinate of the tag annotation

y number REQUIRED

bottom-left y-coordinate of the tag annotation

width number REQUIRED

width of the tag annotation

height number REQUIRED

height of the tag annotation

signerId string REQUIRED

id of the signer this tag is assigned to

customData object REQUIRED
page number REQUIRED

page number of the tag annotation

required boolean

tag is required to be applied

stateFormat string

tag is required to be applied

dateFormat string

Possible values: [MM/DD/YYYY, DD/MM/YYYY, MM/DD/YY, DD/MM/YY, MMMM do, yyyy, full, MMMM, do, yyyy, YYYY]

tag is required to be applied

fontSize number

tag font size

taggingOrganizationId string

id of organization who will tag the documents


The notary session was successfully replaced.