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Error 400: Bad Request

Error Code


What does this error mean?

This error indicates that the server was unable to process your request due to malformed syntax, missing required parameters, or incorrect formatting. The server cannot understand the request and therefore cannot process it.

Common causes of Error 400

  1. Missing required parameters: The request may be missing one or more required parameters that are necessary for the server to process it.

  2. Incorrectly formatted data: The request may include data that is not formatted according to the API documentation, making it difficult for the server to understand.

  3. Malformed syntax: The request itself may have syntax errors or incorrect structure, preventing the server from understanding the intended action.

How to resolve Error 400

  1. Review your request: Ensure that your request follows the correct structure and syntax as outlined in the API documentation. Double-check for any typos or missing elements.

  2. Verify required parameters: Review the API documentation to ensure that you have included all required parameters in your request. Make sure that these parameters are correctly formatted and have valid values.

  3. Check data formatting: Ensure that the data provided in your request is formatted according to the API documentation. This may include using the correct data types, string formats, or date formats.

  4. Contact support: If you have reviewed your request, followed the API documentation, and still encounter the Error 400, please contact our support team for further assistance. Provide details of your issue, including your API key, the endpoint, and the request you are trying to make.

Contact Support Team

Additional Resources

For more information about the Notarization API, visit the official documentation.

If you need further assistance or have questions, feel free to reach out to our support team.